Wednesday 27 January 2010

HELL FIRE CAVES - West Wycombe

Fright Nights - Hell Fire Caves - Saturday Jan 16th 6.30pm 
'til 12 midnight

Wow this venue most certainly didn't disappoint on impact!!!

As we pulled into the car park this towering and atmospheric building front dominated the area.  It was the first time that we'd taken friends on a ghost hunt and the reaction was 'blimey that place looks spooky'

To give you a bit of a background - the Hell Fire Caves were excavated by 
Sir Francis Dashwood between 1748–1752. They get their daunting name from 'The Hellfire Club', which was founded by Sir Francis and has been linked with secret meeting clubs including the freemasons.

We were given the history tour of the caves by a rather spooky but knowledgeable guy. He hinted at the strange experiences he'd had over the years in the caves, but was quite guarded with any detail...

Then the tour with the medium! A jolly fellow in a kilt carrying a Sgian Dubh in his sock....on touring the caves he picked up on a young girl somewhat in distress and a rather angry fellow who was looking for something (guess he'd read the ghostly history of the caves ad I had).

We carried out different vigils in the different areas. One of the most active being Paul Whitehead's chamber. Whitehead who died in 1774 left his heart to Sir Francis along with £50, with the request that it be used to provide an urn in which his heart was to be deposited, to be placed in the cave system. Someone stole the urn and his heart in it and to this day Whitehead’s ghost is said to haunt the caves looking for his heart. Well it certainly felt that someone was looking for something here - a fight maybe...

Pic above shows the orbs captured where we saw the white figure move 
into the centre of the pathway.

We had numerous noises in response to calling out and tapping noises as though small stones were being thrown in our direction. Also whilst standing there in a tight circle in the blackest place i have ever been my eyes started the play tricks on me - or so I thought.....

I spotted something white move further up the cave to shadow over the pathway, then slowly move back to the wall. I saw this 3 times before announcing it to the group, upon which another older gent said he had just witness exactly the same movement in the same place. A few people in the group also seen a white triangular light appear in the centre of the circle and then fade out.

The last room we investigated was the inner temple. Where, thanks to the rather spooky statues of the members of the Hell Fire Club, it became a bit too oppressive to be.  Apart from the odd strange noise which was more often than not body related not that much was captured here.

On conclusion - Are the Hell Fire Caves haunted? - I'm not sure, I mean there are definitely strange forces of some sort at work there. But maybe another visit would prove otherwise..... Go and visit - If you're brave enough!


  1. I would certainly love to visit these caves, but I'm intrigued; were the caves excavated deliberately to be "spooky" to put people off, so the Masons could meet in secrecy? Certainly seems to have worked from the details in the post!

    1. Hi Dan,

      thanks for your comment, the caves are well worth a visit... I believe the caves were originally excavated in 1750's for the 2nd Baronet Sir Francis Dashwood. His purpose for the caves were as a secret meeting place for the Hell Fire Club, they met in the lowest chamber of the caves which lies directly beneath the burial chamber in the church on top of West Wycombe hill....

      It's definitely an eerie place to be in the dead of night - if you're going take a few spare batteries, we had 3 torches and batteries were drained in all 3 !!

