Thursday 8 April 2010

Malicious Margam

Margam Castle on a cold dark, dreary Winters night..... there's no where i'd rather be!

Margam Castle is a grand old mansion house that sits in the middle of Margam Country Park, near Port Talbot in South Wales. Originally built for the Talbot family in the early 1800's, the castle is of gothic style with lots of intricate stone work.

It was 9pm as we approached the tall towers of the castle and it was all a little weird. I know Margam Castle very well and had visited the gardens throughout my childhood, although not to seek out the paranormal.  I always remember the Castle to be a grand building that smelt of old people. I'd never felt uneasy here in my past or seen anything unexplainable, until this night...

Reported activity

The angry spirit of old Robert Scott the gamekeeper is frequently encountered on the Gothic staircase. It is said that he was murdered by a poacher and his spirit will not settle due to the rage his still feels…

Apparitions of children in Victorian clothing have been witnessed going in and out of some of the rooms. Stones have been thrown, chattering voices are often heard with no sign of any living intruder! The ghost of a white lady is said to roam the castle.  The castle is said to be one of the most haunted castles in Britain

The base room and staircase
A grand room with a very regal red carpet, the air was heavy in the room all evening, there were a few people in the party who kept suddenly turning and looking behind themselves when we were all sat down in a circle.  The medium picked up on the spirit of an angry man dressed in long boots and overalls.  There were unexpected noises on the stairs almost like a clinking of china.

1st floor room 1
Many people were not keane to enter this room, it was open and drafty with a strange smell of tabbacco, I found this room the most comfortable in the castle, it felt almost settled and peaceful as though it had been forgiven of a dreadful dead. We conducted numerous paranormal test in here, including throwing small stones into the corner, the activity in here seemed to start as soon as we were making our way out into the next room.  One lady felt her hair being pulled from a very low angle and stones were thrown onto the back of myself and someone else. 

1st floor - the back room with the hatch!
now this was a room so heavy it weighs down on your lungs as soon as you enter, a small damp and windowless room, which has a small wooden hatch opposite the doorway, a boarded up tunnel maybe. Just about big enough to hold us all but we squeezed in and formed a circle, not seconds after we all went quiet were scuffling sounds heard and someone felt as though they were pushed into the centre.  I had an overwhelming urge to move away from the back left corner of the room, as though someone was holding a red hot poker to my back. Definitely the most oppressive area of Margam Castle...  but don't take my word for it...why not go and find out what you feel