Sunday 7 February 2010

The Otherworld Building - York

The Devil's Funhouse

Without a doubt the strangest building I’ve ever set foot in, and I’ve been in a few!...

As you walk the street of Stonegate in York no building really stands out from any other, they are mostly Georgian style architecture. The otherworld building – 35 Stonegate – from the outside appears no different. But it’s many an old house that hides a sinister secret and otherworld building has a few tucked neatly up its dark sleeve.

For over 200 years, the building was the home to “The Sign of the Bible” a publishing house. In 1873, John Ward Knowles purchased the home as the last heir to the publishing house had passed away.

On entering the house you could be forgiven for thinking it was the fun house of the devil, dark and damp but with an air of playfulness about it.

Room 1 the living room/print room.
A surprisingly light room, which looked out onto the main street. The feel of this room was peaceful and airy and the group seemed at ease. It proved to be a lull of false security..

The attic room.
We split into smaller groups and myself and another entered the attic lower room. A small room with a large fireplace in the centre and a tiny window to the right. Opposite the fireplace was a church pew, on which we both sat. The room was darker than the rest of the house and bare floored so naturally cold. After sitting for 5 minutes or so we called out….. a light tapping seemed to respond from near the window. We called again – once more a precise tapping noise responded. It was on the third request for recognition that we both spotted a long white light float down the side of the fireplace to the floor. At this moment I had the strongest sense of a male figure in my minds eye. I never physically saw anything as it was pitch black. But over the next few minutes this impression of this dark haired, religious man grew stronger and stronger in my mind. It became oppressive and close by almost as though he was peering into my mind. And asking what I wanted.  Now I’m not of faint heart but after asking him to back off and getting no response this became too much and I choose to leave rather quickly…

The other room, which seemed to house some unusual activity, was the séance room in which we practiced glass moving with encouraging results and there was a sinister atmosphere with us until we left the building at 4am….

Now I’m quite the rationale objector but this place holds some strange and inquisitive energies that I definitely would like to ask more questions to…… Other world building – if you want to dance with the devil in his playground then go there…..